Lost girl season 3 episode 5 faes wide shut
Lost girl season 3 episode 5 faes wide shut

lost girl season 3 episode 5 faes wide shut

But it would be nice for them not to have to write around at all. I do expect the writers to possibly ret-con this into some sort of Dyson Was Truly Just Hoping Lauren Could Save Bo’s Ass storyline, as they’re getting pretty good at workarounds (see Tamsin’s “You ever mix up the liver with the liver?”). I think a great deal of the shortcomings in this episode are due to lack of budget, and that sucks. Similarly, the show doesn’t have money for an Ash set, so Lauren gets to work from home and dissect near her kitchen. Collins (Hale) for this episode, so they didn’t have him in it, and the whole world was saddened. But the show runners didn’t want to have to pay K.C. The issue could be solved by, say, he and Tamsin having an argument about what to do with the body, bringing the decision to the Ash, then the Ash declaring a Light doctor having to be the one to examine the corpse, due to the disarray on the Light side the only one available as Lauren, blah blah blah, problem not necessarily solved, but explained in 40 seconds of exposition. But he also takes a body to Lauren, throws suspicion on Bo, then blames Lauren for a cover-up. Yes, he’s a good, tenacious cop with the smarts to position himself near a reflective bowl of fruit. The multiple storylines can’t, however, cover up Dyson being an unusually terrible investigator. Three strikes is not going to look good even if it is, once again, ‘in Bo’s best interest.’ Let’s hope Lauren was calling Trick, especially because his reactions to everything world-shaking are so deliciously hilarious. Yes, she has residual fear from what happened to Nadia, but Lauren works best when not being obscure. We’re already hooked, and Lauren already has two hiding-too-much strikes, so this seems unnecessary. This habit of juggling storylines partially excuses L auren being so mysterious over the phone at the end, but mostly it’s just baiting us. Lost Girl has a habit of not resolving all an episode’s problems within the episode – this show is unusually good at bringing things back up later and making the characters honestly address them. Faux Kenzi playing Lauren and Dyson games and taking Bo’s phone, for instance though it plays a pivitol role in confusing the issue in this episode (and from the look of the promos, the next), at some point I have faith it will serve a purpose in another good ol’ open-relationship but not the ex talk human/succubus/not-the-wolf talk. I think the writers don’t want to tear apart too much of their tenuous appreciation for each other.) Ksenia Solo is having a ball with her character, which is only fair considering in “Original Skin,” Kris Holden-Ried got to have all her fun. (Though Kenzi’s post-credit outfit was the most un-Kenzi outfit, the post-credit Kenzi/Lauren interactions were the most Kenzi interactions. At that point, she’s just jumping up and down with a neon sign. The writers do well, though, to slowly reveal to the audience what we suspect, until the point where Kenzi asks Trick what she owes for her drink. If you’ve been watching the show, the Kenzi thing is not a revelation, let alone a spoiler.

lost girl season 3 episode 5 faes wide shut

There are essentially four investigations going: Bo/Lauren/Kenzi into the goop death, Dyson/Tamsin into the goop death, Dyson/Tamsin into the mysterious succubus death, and Bo/Audience into the faux Kenzi. First things first: the episode has too much going on, on too few sets (more on this later). Too much mystery, too many plotlines which may be a side-effect of the writers coming off an extended season into another shorter one.

Lost girl season 3 episode 5 faes wide shut